Here is an example of the output from the sndfile-info program distributed with libsndfile.
This file was opened and parsed correctly but had been truncated so that the values in the FORM and SSND chunks were incorrect.
erikd@hendrix > examples/sndfile-info truncated.aiff
size : 200000
FORM : 307474 (should be 199992)
COMM : 18
Sample Rate : 16000
Samples : 76857
Channels : 2
Sample Size : 16
SSND : 307436 (should be 199946)
Offset : 0
Block Size : 0
Sample Rate : 16000
Frames : 76857
Channels : 2
Bit Width : 16
Format : 0x00020001
Sections : 1
Seekable : TRUE
Signal Max : 32766